I realized that one of the biggest hurdles that people face when they’re trying to change habits or uplevel their lives and who they are, is that there’s one big issue that stops everyone at some point.
You can’t change what you don’t see, and when we’re deep in a pattern of thought or behavior, sometimes it just feels so normal that we don’t even have awareness of what we’re doing, or even thinking in that moment.
Sounds crazy, but really think about it. You have 60K thoughts a day. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
How many of those did you even notice? Now imagine that you’ve got a habit that you’re trying to break, like mindless eating, or yelling at your kids, it just feels automatic. Sometimes you don’t realize it happened until after the fact.
Let’s be honest, that’s how it is most of the time.
I know it was for me, and when I finally did catch myself in the moment of something I swore I wasn’t going to do again, it dawned on me. I needed to get one step ahead of that moment, and I needed to have better awareness of what was going to lead me to that behavior.
So I started paying attention to what I was feeling as soon as I realized what was going on, (that I didn’t want to happen again) and I knew I finally found a way to work with those super stuck patterns.
Because at that point the energy of what I was feeling was pretty manageable, it hadn’t yet taken over and put me into a mindless behavior.
This is one of the first things that I teach my clients about and the foundation of my coaching work.
This work is what I call having Energetic Awareness.
Some of my past clients have referred to Energetic Awareness as “the work”, but I jokingly started saying, let’s call it, “the fun” because I much prefer fun over work, so let’s get to know about “the fun”!
There are 4 I’s of Success in Energetic Awareness:
- Internally Driven – Having a Passion Based life, that is guided by your desires, not what everyone else tells you or thinks you should do
- Integrated Living – In Body, Mind, Soul, and Purpose
- Individual Integrity – Living by Core Principles
- Implementation – How to do/feel this & Structure
My main coaching work that I have mentored clients through is called the L.I.V.E. with Energetic Awareness Blueprint Program.
The program is broken down into four phases, each phase has two weeks (with the exception of Phase 1 which has an additional “intro week”).
Each phase introduces in sequential order the key elements to be able to live with Energetic Awareness.
Energetic Awareness is a way to live your life, so that rather than trying to solve each challenge as it arises in your life, with the false belief that solving that will give you lasting peace,
It’s about showing you that facing your challenges the right way, rather than trying to eliminate challenges or struggle from ever occurring in your life, is the ONLY way to find lasting peace and joy in your life.
To truly find a life of ease, despite the inevitable challenges life throws your way, understanding energy is key.
Rather than trying to think your way through each decision or challenge in your life, you learn to feel your way through, and release control and stress from your life.
You’re never going to be able to get everything perfectly organized or completed so that you feel you finally have arrived at the point where you can relax, and if this is your strategy, I bet you’re tired of having to do this over and over again.
Well, you don’t have to. There’s an easier way.
While many people can conceptually understand that doing this is the only way to navigate life with ease, not many people can explain how to implement that, the actual HOW to do it, and write it off as an impossibility. It’s not!
That is what the LIVE Energetic Awareness Blueprint is about.
It not only teaches you the process, so that ultimately you have full faith in your own decision making process, and trust in how your life is unfolding,
but takes you through the process of your own healing so that you can experience it yourself. You feel the real life changes in your experience. You GET it, because things do feel so different.
The biggest difference in Energetic Awareness and other methods that claim to help you live a life free from anxiety, frustration, doubt, shame, guilt and depression is in the first phase of the process.
There is a reason that people can’t even begin to do this work, that is that they need to do the critical first part of releasing the energetic blocks that they are unknowingly carrying that prevent them from being able to live in an ease filled trusting way.
Without going to the root of the issue, you will end up repeating the same pattern with different variations throughout your life, leaving you convinced that you’ll always be stuck with the same problems.
But this isn’t true.
Once you unblock yourself energetically, you begin to feel and know what the right choices are for you as an individual.
You don’t have to listen to the masses anymore, you get to craft your own life exactly as you choose, and most importantly be your own guide.
Now the process is only beginning at that point.
You need to learn how to live in a new way.
Because once you put down your energetic shield that you thought was protecting you, but was actually blocking you from being able to feel, you will feel exposed, naked almost, and you need to learn right away how to truly find safety and comfort, so you don’t run back to your old patterns of behavior.
Which is what the course material is about.
I don’t just want you to feel better for a short time, I want you to feel better all the time, by really learning how to take yourself through the process of understanding what your energy is trying to tell you.
Not only that, in this course we start to explore the super fun concept of manifestation, and how it actually works from an energetic perspective.
No woo woo, mumbo jumbo, this is the physics of our existence, you might as well learn how it works, so you can LIVE your life to the fullest.
This work is designed to simplify your life, so that you know what YOUR key focus is in this chapter of your life.
Rather than just acquiring more information and knowledge, I want you to have a true comprehension of how to make shifts in your life in real time.
After you have completed all the lessons and exercises in this course you will have a completely new lens through which you will see your world.
If you’re curious to learn more, check out this page:
You’ll not only be able to work on solving your greatest challenge at the root cause of the issue, you’ll know what to focus on in all aspects of your life.
My Passion is to help you truly heal fully as individuals.
To show you back to the full power of who you are at your core so that you can live a vibrant life, full of energy and motivation to do what you are here to do.
I want to be sure that every person that wants to heal fully, not only knows how to do that, but also is able to spread the power of what we can do when we are whole, integrated, and passion driven human beings.
The power you have as an individual touches everyone you interact with.
You have the choice to make that a positive or negative interaction every single moment of your day.
There is an enormous power in that.
When we feel whole and healthy in body and mind, and in alignment with our soul we have the power to change our lives, our families, our communities, and the world. Jump in peeps, you were meant to do great things.
Now get to it!
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